Nationwide Evaluation 2010 Tenpin Bowling - Penang State
Short reports :
9.30am - 11.00am : We started with the State Evaluation, these group are not in 2009 Cawangan pelapis Program. 43 participants was registered and 30 participants was selected for the Nationwide Evaluation 2010. This Program was evaluated by the Penang State National Council Coach.
11.15am - 12.20pm : The Nationwide Youth Development Program Evaluation took place and it was evaluated by our National Coaches. Total number of participants evaluated are 50 people. Finally 30 participants from the State Evaluation and the other 20 participants was athletes in Cawangan Pelapis 2009 Program Level AAA and AA.
12.25pm - 1.15pm : Short briefing and discussion between the National Coaches (Mr. Foong Tak Meng, Allan Chia & Jackson Ting), JSM Cawangan Pelapis (Mr. Albert Yeoh & Mathihalagan), Penang State Coach (Ms, Kim Eun Jung) and PTBPP Committee Member (Pn. Nooraini Abd Rahman) conducted by the PPN/SDO (Cik Fatimah Binti Jamil) with present of the Vice President PTBPP (Cik Roliah Binti Harun),
Result from the discussion :
1. The National Coaches has shortlisted 30 names (refer attachment) for the Cawangan Pelapis 2010 Program.
2. Mr. Foong Tak Meng requested Penang State to start their program in February 2010 and this is because of December is a busy month for Penang State.
1.20pm - 2.00pm : Meeting with the SUKMA XIII 2010, Melaka Training Squad conducted by Mr. Albert Yeoh Seng Poh.
2.00pm - 2.30pm : Mr. Foong Tak Meng to meet the SUKMA XIII 2010, Melaka Training Squad at the Bowling Alley.
2.30pm - 8.30pm : PPN/SDO stay back in PTBPP Office to finished the Evaluation Report.
Repoted By : Fatimah Jamil, SDO USPTN
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